Great Day of my Life

Hello Everyone
Name : Zafor Ali
Age : 23
University : IUB
Currently Studing : BBA(2nd)
Campus: Baghdad ul Jadid, Bahawalpur, Pakistan-
join me and share The Great Day of your life with me.I love playing Cricket.Would you Like to play with me online.
i'm mostly available on facebook.ALL of my BBA Friends Senior and joiner join me and make a chain of IUBStudents.
fellow this link :
now one thing that i want to share with you right now is

History Of Islamia University Bahawalpur (IUB)
History Of Islamia University Bahawalpur (IUB)
Throughout its history, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur offered its students undergraduate and post graduate education characterized by breath and flexibility, under pinned by the academic excellence.Graduates from this university are expected to display imagination, quick-thinking and intellectual discipline; qualities that fit in well with the aims of National Educational Policy.
The university is driving the process of knowledge transfer, business development technology enhancement in to the heart of the economy of southern Punjab. The university is also helping to meet the need for highly trained individuals, scholars and researchers through out the country.

The IUB is not an ivory tower but is fully engaged to drive the regional economy and society. The talented students will not only graduate in an increasingly multi-national, multi-culture, and multi-ethnic world, but will also be enterprising, creative and innovative.
The university is enabling students to develop and apply their subject-based skills in an international arena and an exchange program is enabling students to undertake work experience in highly professional institutes, giving them transferable skills. Performance indicators show that 85% of graduates from the university are in employment or studying further and also serving at the government-set benchmarks.
I am pleased to say that students of this university have enjoyed many recent accomplishments and look to the future with enthusiasm and confidence.
My most important message to you is that you should have highly dreams to fulfill and greater heights to search and reach.The developing infrastructure in Pakistan is supporting academy prowess with research excellence forming the base of all our academy activates. With globalization of higher education fueled by burgeoning demand of economic wealth and culture aspiration The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB) is poised to expend its operations to become a truly standard university.
Untiring and endeavors have been made to maintain and improve the position of IUB Bahawalpur as a leader of high education in Punjab enhancing social values and fully implementing longstanding principles of education to meet the expectation of people and the government. It is hoped that IUB will enhance already existing excellent research infrastructure meeting the needs of intellectuals and research student’s commitment to excellence has ever remained the distinction of IUB, providing learners the finest education and a supportive learning environment.
To meet the challenges of the current scenario, it is anticipated that IUB will take further necessary measures to sustain its position among the prestigious institutes of the country. Ever challenging enthusiastic and persuading environment of the university provides a good arena to groom and nourish. I would like to encourage the Islamians to lead the student community in Pakistan.
It is the need of the day to provide quality education to students equips them with better handling skills to meet the challenges of future. Let us reshape our world, Pakistan, with the commitment of hard work, sincerity and dedication.
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB)

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB)
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (abbreviated as IUB) (Urdu: جامعه اسلامیہ), colloquially known as Islamia University, is located in Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan. University has many faculties including Engineering, Pharmacy and Alternative Medicine, Science, Arts, Languages, Social Sciences, Business and Information Technology.
The City of Bahawalpur has always been a seat of higher learning. Uch Sharif (a nearby ancient town) had one of the largest universities in the world where scholars from all over the world used to come for studies. As a continuation of this tradition a religious university Jamia Abbasia was established at Bahawalpur in 1925, following the academic pursuits of Jamia Al-Azhar, Egypt. The renowned scholars spread the beacon of Islam by teaching Tafseer of Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, History along with other contemporary subjects.
In view of the changing scenario, Jamia Abbasia was declared as general university in 1975, and renamed as Islamia University Bahawalpur which further modified during 2007 as The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Initially it started functioning at Abbasia and Khawaja Fareed Campuses with ten departments. In order to construct a modern and self-contained campus, 1,250 acres (5.1 km2) of land was allotted to the university on Hasilpur Road about five Kilometer away from the city centre.
Further development
The sand dunes have been converted into well-built faculties, green lawns, hostels, residential colony, farms and orchards. It is known as Baghdad-ul- Jadeed Campus. The university started with ten departments but now this number has increased to 39 offering 53 disciplines. While planning to commence new departments and disciplines due consideration is given to market as well as area specific needs. Consequently, apart from conventional disciplines of Religious Affairs, Languages and Basic Sciences; education is being imparted in the areas of Pharmacy and Alternative medicine, Business Administration, Engineering, Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences, Informatics, Law, Education, Fine Arts, and Sports Sciences etc. The university values quality education rather than quantity. Towards achievement of this end a team of highly qualified and committed faculty members has been developed. Moreover, research is being made corner stone of the educational philosophy.
Academic departments
This time IUB has more than 53 departments, Faculties and centers.
1. Faculty of Science
* Department of Physics
* Department of Chemistry
* Department of Mathematics
* Department of Statistics.
* Department of Geography.
* University College of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences
* University College of Engineering & Technology
* University College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
* Cholistan Institute of Desert Studies
2. Faculty of Arts
* Department of Economics
* Department of English
* Department of Library and Information Science
* Department of Media Studies
* Department of Political Science & International Relations
* Department of Saraiki
* Department of Urdu and Iqbaliat
3. Faculty of Islamic Learning
* Arabic
* History & Pakistan Studies
* Islamic Studies
* Law
* Persian
* Modern Progressive Center of Excellence in Islamic Studies
4. Faculty of Commerce & Management Sciences
* Commerce
* Computer Science & Information Technology
* Management Sciences
5. Faculty of Education
* Applied Psychology
* Education
* Educational Training
* Fine Arts
* Health & Physical Education (Science Sports)
* Social Work
6. Faculty of Pharmacy & Alternative Medicine
* Pharmacy
* University College of Conventional Medicine
Sub Campuses
* Sub Campus Rahim Yar Khan
* Sub Campus Bahawalnagar
In order to provide opportunities of higher education to the youth at their door step, two campuses were established at Rahim Yar Khan and Bahawalnagar in 2005. Initially departments of Management Science and Computer Science & Information Technology were established for which response was very encouraging. The departments of Commerce, Education and Educational Training were also launched during the academic year 2006-07.
In order to facilitate the students sufficient hostel accommodation is available. Presently, five hostels for boys and Three for girls are in use while another hostel for girls is under construction. The accommodation capacity of these hostels is more than two thousand five hundred altogether. All the old hostel buildings have been renovated and equipped with better living facilities.
* Abu Bakar Hall
* Umer Hall
* Ali Hall
* Iqbal Hall
* Jinnah Hall
* Fatima Hall
* Ayesha Hall
* Amna Hall
* Saqib Hall
As the main university campus is away from the city centre, buses and coasters ply to transport the students, teaching and non-teaching staff. The facility is also available at Rahim Yar Khan and Bahawalnagar campuses. The university has a transport fleet comprising of 40 buses for students and 04 coasters for teaching staff.
Facts Timeline
1) On 18-02-2010, some students of other departments got engaged with an engineering student on a minor issue. When the clash was about to go worst, Principal of UCET alongwith other faculty members controlled the situation and save the students and university from major clash.
2) 19-02-2010, again students of some departments got engaged with some engineering students and in this dispute two engineering students got gun shots in their legs.
3) Taking advantage of the situation some anti-peace persons spread the rumour of death of those students who got shot. On hearing the death news, engineering students over-reacted and got violent.
4) Due to the neglegence of University Administration and University Security, engineering students damaged the university property.
5) VC ordered to close the university for a week and to inquire the metter to a committee.
6) On 26-02-2010, university closure been extended upto another week.
7) On 01-03-2010, UCET Administration recieved a "compulsary rustication" orders of the students who violated the law & order in the university. It was stated that names of the students ll be forwarded by the security division.
8) On 03-03-2010, UCET Administration recieved a list of 23 students including the Final Year students.
9) UCET (Principal & Faculty Members) were left with no choice to follow that orders.
10) On 04-03-2010, in order to save the future of the students, UCET's 42 Faculty Members alongwith Principal resigned not only from their designation but from their service.
11) Due to the absence of a couple of faculty members and refining the subject of resignation, resignation got a delay of one day in dispatching.
12) On 05-03-2010, resignation been dispatched to the Registrar and higher authorities. Copy of resignation is available at
13) On 05-03-2010, at 4:30 PM, Prof. Jan M. Keerio been terminated from the post of Principal.
14) Not only this, VC called that dispute a murdurus attack on himself and declared Principal UCET masterminding that attack.
15) The link of that press release is
16) On 06-03-2010, UCET Principal alongwith all faculty members cleared all VC mis-statements.
17) VC appointed a new Principal who do not even qualify the HEC & PEC criteria to be a Principal. He is with non-teaching background.
18) On 07-03-2010, instead of considering the resignation basis of UCET Faculty Members, VC announced "Immediate Requirement of Faculty at UCET". Link is
19) This proves the VC's discrimination towards UCET, UCET Faculty Members and UCET Students.
20) IUB Faculty Members and Principal UCET have given their everything to save the future of students. Now to see what we have to pay back.
RISE UP IUB, Its not about UCET only.
boys and girls Hostels Islamia University Bahawalpur

boys and girls Hostels Islamia University Bahawalpur
In order to facilitate the students sufficient hostel accommodation is available. Currently, five hostels for boys and four for girls are in use while another hostel for girls is under construction. The accommodation capacity of these hostels is more than two thousand five hundred altogether. All the old hostel buildings have been renovated and equipped with better living facilities.
Islamia University Bahawalpur gets 19 degrees for verification

Islamia University Bahawalpur gets 19 degrees for verification
BAHAWALPUR, July 2: The Islamia University Bahawalpur (IUB) administration has received degrees of 19 MPs for verification.A source told Dawn on Friday that the parliamentarians included six MNAs. The IUB has been asked to return the degrees after verification by July 13. One of the MPAs included in the list is the member of the IUB Syndicate.
The MNAs are Sheikh Aftab Ahmad (NA-57), Tariq Mahmood Bajwa (NA-75), Mudassar Qayyum Nahra (NA-100), Muhammad Hayat Khan (NA-170), Arif Aziz Sheikh (NA-183) and Javed Iqbal Warraich (NA-196).
The MPAs are Saima Aziz (reserved seat), Samina Naveed (reserved seat), Amina Jahangir (reserved seat), Dr Malik Mukhtar Ahmad (MBBS degree), Mian Shahid Hussain, Dr Tanveerul Islam (MBBS degree), Makhdoom Iftikhar Hasan Gilani, Tariq Amin Hotiyana, Sardar Muhammad Afzal Tutla, Shaukat Mahmood Basra, Qazi Ahmad Saeed, Ijaz Shafi and Baseer Ahmad Khattak.
PROTEST: Scores of people on Friday demonstrated on Multan Road to protest a lack of basic amenities in their housing colonies.
The protest organisers said sewerage problem, potholed roads and streets and other issues were making life difficult for them.
They said MNA Baleeghur Rehman had failed to fulfil his promises in this regard. Traffic on the thoroughfare remained suspended for an hour due to protest.
BUDGET: The district government on Friday approved the budget of Rs5.74 billion for 2010-11.
A sum of Rs1.93 billion will be utilised on development schemes.
I love Reading Computer

I love Reading Computer
Name : Sonia Ahmed
University : Islamia University Bahwalpur (Rahim-Yar-Khan Campus)
Residence : Lahore
Phone# : No
EmailID :
Studing : BS(cs) Currently
RollNo : 126
I love to read Computer Science.I have recently done FSc pre-engineering.If any one of you want help in any subject specially in Programming(Java and C++) then don't feel hesitation .
It honer for me if i can do any thing for can meet me after my Class in Canteen
He Called Himself Patriot Boy !

He Called Himself Patriot Boy !
Yes That's true.He is one of us.He is my Class fellow.
Twinkling eyes brown Jacket with White tea-shirt with there friends Farhan,Balil and Ahsen
One of the very famous guy in IUB Rahim-Yar-Khan Campus.
He Love his Country.

if you want to share your feelings with arbi then join it .........
His Blog Address is :